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Seminar on Common pathological problems in marine fish farms and hatcheries as well as the role of biosecurity in preventing their spread

Last month, on 12 June 2019, more than 50 experts attended the MedAID seminar on “Common pathological problems in marine fish farms and hatcheries as well as the role of biosecurity in preventing their spread”, which was held in Alexandria, Egypt, at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF). During the seminar, experts from NIOF, the University of Alexandria, the University of Cairo, and CIHEAM Zaragoza presented the project MedAID and the topic “Diseases and biosecurity, the most prevalent diseases affecting marine fish farming in Egypt and in Spain”, as well as the preliminary results of the survey conducted in Spain on Biosecurity measures and management in marine fish farming. The participants discussed the impacts of disease in marine fish farms and possible control measures, including the levels of biosecurity that could be implemented.Continue reading

Local workshop on “Disease prevalence and biosecurity in Spanish marine fish farming”

Last week, on March 28, 2019, took placed in Zaragoza a MedAID Seminar of the Spanish Working Group of the Work-package 4 on Health management, diseases and animal welfare. Forty experts from all the steps of the aquaculture value chain working on fish diseases diagnosis, management and prevention met to analyze the current situation the regarding prevalence of main diseases, about biosecurity measures and the need for a further communication and coordination among involved experts, companies and institutions.

1st MedAID Regional Workshop: Holistic sustainability assessment of Mediterranean aquaculture

MedAID organizes the 1st MedAID Regional Workshop on Holistic Sustainability Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture. The workshop will be held at the IRTA Centre Sant Carles de la Ràpita on 24 January.

The objectives of this MedAID regional workshop are i) to present the analysis of the survey conducted to assess the sustainability of the Mediterranean marine fish farming sector (Deliverable D1.2 – Assessment of Mediterranean Aquaculture Sustainability); and ii) to discuss the results obtained with representatives of the surveyed companies, other aquaculture producers and other key players of the sector in order to obtain their inputs and gain a broader vision from the whole value chain of Mediterranean aquaculture.

The workshop will have 70 participants from 14 countries that are involved in the whole value chain – company managers, associations, researchers, aquaculture farm workers, etc.

All updated information on the workshop is available on the MedAID web page and twitter account.

MedAID stakeholders workshop about social acceptability and governance of aquaculture development

Following preliminary stakeholder interviews (May and June 2018) and a first workshop on July 2018 devoted to the diagnostic of aquaculture development in the Bay of Monastir, the MedAID project organized a final stakeholders workshop on November 28. Part of the social acceptability and governance work implemented in the frame of MedAID, the workshop was organized and took place at INSTM building in Monastir, thanks to the support of Dr Naceur Dhraief. 28 participants from aquaculture, fisheries, tourism, NGOs, harbour or research sectors attended the workshop where the social acceptability of aquaculture in the Bay of Monastir was addressed through a set of scenarios. Scenarios were built according to the preliminary interviews and diagnostic. Through a multicriteria approach, participants were invited by Ifremer (Loeiza Lancelot), LISODE (Jean-Emmanuel Rougier) and UBO (Pascal Raux) to position themselves and collectively on social acceptability criteria. Debates were fruitful and animated, leading to an important material to assess the social acceptability of aquaculture development in the Bay of Monastir. Results of the analysis will be delivered to stakeholders in a report by the end of 2018.Continue reading

Croatian aquaculture conference 2018

On 29th and 30th November the 13th International aquaculture conference entitled “Co-operation of Production and Science – A Foundation for Successful, Sustainable Development of Aquaculture” was held in Vukovar, Croatia.

The meeting gathered most of the Croatian scientists (100) dealing with different aspect of aquaculture (molluscs, freshwater and marine fish and tuna), representative of the governmental bodies, nature protection institutions and representatives of the farming sector. There were more than 30 scientific presentation and among them the MedAid project was presented and the participation of Croatian partners and stakeholders highlighted.


MedAID presented his work on Social Acceptability at the Aquaculture Technical Seminar of the Open Method Coordination for Aquaculture

MedAID presented his work on Social Acceptability at the Aquaculture Technical Seminar of the Open Method Coordination for Aquaculture, Brussels, 27 November 2018.

The Aquaculture Technical Seminar is part of the  European Commission Open Method Coordination for Aquaculture. Within this framework, DG MARE coordinates the exchange of good practices between Member States by organizing twice a year a workshop at technical level, attended by experts from Member States administrations (see Almost all Member States are represented by around two experts per Member State, since aquaculture usually falls within the remit of several Administrations/Ministries.

This second edition of the Aquaculture Technical Seminar (2018) has discussed various topics. One of them being Social Acceptability, on which MedAID is working in its Work Package 7 on “Social acceptability and governance of aquaculture development in the Mediterranean”. WP7 Leader, Dr. José Pérez from Ifremer, presented the objectives of this WP and the results collected so far. The presentation was followed by a round table discussion addressing some additional issues about good practices to enhance social acceptability of aquaculture at national level.  As un example, aquaculture in Finland is contested and the Administration has opened a dialogue process with stakeholders to discuss aquaculture sustainability. In Italy big efforts have been made to improve the perception of aquaculture products through communication campaigns.

Delegations from the Ministries of European Member States attended this Technical Seminar on Aquaculture. In total, about fourty people attended this meeting.

MedAID presented at Spanish Aquaculture Day 2018

Aquaculture Day 2018 was celebrated on 26 November at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans with 35 participants from aquaculture companies (14),  academia (11), fisheries and aquaculture authorities (2) as well as 4 cluster and  professional network managers and MSc & Ph D Students.

The workshop began with the presentation of aquaculture and research projects in Catalonia: “Development of methods for stimulating sperm production in farmed Senegalese sole” (Dr. François Chauvigne), the European projects “Vivaldi”, “MedAID” (Dr. Dolors Furones) and “PerformFish” (Dr. Francesc Padrós) as well as “Development of seafood productions through co-creation projects ” (Dr.Luís Guerrero). The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion addressing keys to understanding the future of research in aquaculture.

Afterwards, the relationship between aquaculture and industry was dicussed in the round table “Experiences of innovative businesses of the Acuiplus Cluster” followed by some general conclusions.

MedAID partners at the meeting of the STECF

Several MedAID partners have participated as invited experts in the meeting of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) for the Economic Report of the EU Aquaculture sector (de EWG 18-19), JRC Ispra, 22 to 26 October 2018.

Rasmus Nielsen from the University of Copenhagen, and partner of MedAID, has chaired the meeting, which was also attended by the following MedAID partners:Jose Manuel Fernández-Polanco and Ignacio Llorente from the University of Cantabria, Maria Cozzolino from NISEA, Lamprakis Avdelas from Greece.

The objective of this Expert Working Group meeting is to prepare the 2018 report on the economic performance of the EU aquaculture sector, to analyse and comment on the economic performance of the EU and national aquaculture sectors between 2008 and 2016. It will include specific sections on employment (e.g.female/male employment and average salaries), economic performance contrasting different segments, and productivity/employee at EU level as well as a brief summary for each national chapter. The two main objectives for the 2018 exercise are to increase qualitative interpretation of all data outputs and to increase the usefulness of the report for DG MARE’s policy development as well as for Member States and the industry.

This aquaculture report is one of the main source for providing socio-economic analysis on the performance of the EU aquaculture industry. Different reports about Economic Analysis of European fleet, processing, and  aquaculture sectors can be found here, included the previous report  EU of the Aquaculture sector published in 2016, which reported for the period between 2008 and 2014.

FAO/GFCM Workshop on animal health and risk analysis in finfish aquaculture

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), a regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) established within the FAO with main objective to ensure the conservation and the sustainable use, at the biological, social, economic and environmental level, of living marine resources and the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and in the Black Sea, organized a workshop on animal health and risk analysis in finfish aquaculture.

The workshop was held in Larnaca, Cyprus, on 3-4 October 2018 and gathered experts from more than 20 countries. The main objectives were, among others, to assess the current situation regarding early diagnostics in fish farms, regulation, capacity in diagnostics, control and prevention of diseases, epidemiological knowledge, governance and challenges for aquatic animal health.
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Co-creation workshop on “Mediterranean Aquaculture: Trends & New product ideas”


On 30 November 2017, in Derio (Spain) our colleagues from AZTI, leader of the WP5: Product development, market and consumer assessment, have organized a Co-creation workshop on “Mediterranean Aquaculture: Trends & New product ideas”. The workshop is part of the Task 5.1. Product concept development, and it aims to review present Seafood trends and to discuss about the generation of new Seafood product concepts. It will count on the participation of partners from WP-5 and members of the Market Advisory Group (MAG).Continue reading