In the Spotlight: Juan FERNÁNDEZ ALDANA

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Although not being a partner of the MedAID project, in this occasion we invite Juan Fernández Aldana to participate “In the Spotlight” section. Juan is a PhD in Biology Sciences and MSc in aquaculture, and since 2015 he is the Coordinator of APROMAR-REMA.

i) What is APROMAR-REMA?
REMA (Aquaculture Marine Experimentation Network ) is a network created by APROMAR (Spanish Aquaculture Producers Association). APROMAR represents most aquaculture farmers in Spain. Its members produce finfish, shellfish, crustaceans and algae, as well as goods and services to the industry. It defends their common interests before any instance, advising, managing and reporting.
REMA has been built with the objective to contribute, from the private aquaculture sector, to the resolution of the R + D + i challenges of the sector itself. REMA aims to develop, promote and stimulate research, technological development and innovation in marine aquaculture, the dissemination of its results, as well as being a reference for information and documentation in R + D + i.
REMA has been conceive with the aim of building on sectoral research entities currently existing in Spain, such as the Galician Aquaculture Technology Center (CETGA) and the Technological Center for Aquaculture Foundation (CTAQUA), which will hold positions important in its management.

ii) What is the role of APROMAR-REMA in PerformFISH?
APROMAR-REMA participates in PerformFISH project contributing with experts at three different levels. Experienced members of the APROMAR Board will be members of the Industry Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB). Experienced scientists and technicians at operational levels and employees of APROMAR members will support APROMAR as members of the Industry Technical Experts Committee (ITEC). Finally, farming companies as members of APROMAR will provide the infrastructures needed to implement PerformFISH trials at field level.

iii) Can you give us examples of specific tasks APROMAR-REMA is involved?
Inside Performfish Project APROMAR-REMA is directly involved in the following activities/task:
• Consumer perception and marketing strategies.
• KPIs definition.
• Coordination & Project Management.
• Dissemination and Knowledge

And through its partners in these other activities
• Selective breeding.
• Juvenile quality.
• Sustainable and Efficient feeds.
• Testing and validation of results.

iv) What other projects/activities APROMAR-REMA is working on?

The main projects where APROMAR- REMA is now participating are the followings:

PROGENSA: Genetic Project for improvement the Spanish Bream Culture. ( )
SERIOLA: Project to develop the ambejack culture between Spanish Farms.
AQUADAPT: Project to evaluate the effect of Climate Change in the Spanish Aquaculture (turbot, bream and bass).
ATLAS: Project to advance in the Oceanic aquaculture.
• STANDARDIZATION: Project coordinated by Apromar-Rema, whose objective is to carry out the standardization of Spanish fish farms/open net cages under ISO rules.
• CAMARON: International Cooperation project with Colombia.

Also Apromar-Rema is now organizing a national conference (June 2018) to define the strategic lines of Spanish aquaculture to ensure its sustainability and competitiveness within the “Blue Growth” policy in the EU.



PhD in Biology Sciences and MSc in aquaculture, Coordinator of APROMAR-REMA

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