MedAID and PerformFISH collaborations achievements during 2017

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MedAID (Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development), together with PerformFISH (Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain), are two RIA (Research and Innovation Action) which have been approved under the call SFS-23-2016 “Improving the technical performance of the Mediterranean aquaculture”. The Commission and the Project Coordination Teams of PERFORMFISH and MedAID understand the need to establish efficient coordination mechanisms between the two projects in order to avoid duplication of effort, maximise resources, and seek for synergies between the two consortia. Thus, an effective, dynamic and regular collaboration between the two projects is desirable and it has been pursued to increase the scope and soundness of the results, project impacts and its legacy.

After preliminary conversations between the Scientific Coordinators (SCs) of each project, a Coordination Team (CT) formed by the Project Coordinators (PCs) and SCs has been implemented to assure collaboration throughout the lifetime of the Projects. This CT is operating as the communication channel between the two consortia to prepare a Plan of Collaborative Activities along the life of the project. The CT works closely with WP and task leaders of each consortium to define properly the needed actions and their scope.

The yearly Plan of Collaborative Activities includes general transversal activities, such as: common communication and dissemination initiatives, coordinated sessions at conferences and other events and shared dissemination and training actions.

During 2017, we hold several meeting and shared sessions at relevant events, as reported in our newsletter

These above-mentioned transversal collaborative actions are complemented with more specific ones, dealing with common objectives of both projects. During 2017, we have been engaged in the identification of specific collaborative activities with our colleagues from PerformFISH. This exercise has been done during ad hoc meeting between WP and tasks leaders of both consortia.

Regarding WP1, MedAID is developing a Holistic Sustainability Assessment of the Mediterranean Aquaculture Industry, based on the information gathered through on-site surveys. WP1 leader, Cristóbal Aguilera (IRTA), has approached companies from PerformFISH to propose them to participate in the above-mentioned survey.

Collaborative work is ongoing in Genetics and Breeding, by means of a detailed Action Plan for collaboration on a join SNP array development for European seabass and Gilthead seabream.  This work has been carried out by Dr. Costas Tsigenopoulos (leader WP1, PerformFISH), Dr. Luca Bargelloni (Task 1.1 partner, PerformFISH), Dr. Ross Houston (leader Task 3.2, MedAID), Dr. Sonesson (leader WP3, MedAID).

Regarding Health, both project teams have hold meetings, specifically at the EAFP- Belfast, regarding Diagnostics and at the EAS_ Dubrovnik for Welfare. WP’s leaders form MedAID, Dr. Edgar Brun, and PerformFISH, Dr. Francesc Padros, actively participated in these meetings and discussions.

During the EAFP meeting in Belfast, it was concluded that both project have similar approaches in generating a list of laboratories and specialists working on Mediterranean fish species diagnostics in Europe, as well as in harmonizing and improving the diagnostic techniques for fast and accurate diagnostics of most important diseases. Thus, an action plan has been stabilised to collaborate in this component of both projects. The Diagnostics task leaders appointed are Marialetizia Fioravanti with participation of Andrea Gustinelli representing PerformFish_WP3, and Snježana Zrnčić on behalf of MedAID_WP4_ Diagnostics. Currently, we are working together to improve competence and, as a Short term Action, PerformFISH partners interested in  participating  in the VNN interlaboratory comparison testing are welcome, by contacting Dr. Anna Toffan _ IZSVE, who is  organizing and distributing the VNN ILAC under  the umbrella of MedAID.

Moreover, Dr. Ana Roque will Develop the operational welfare indicators (OWI) profile for sea bream in MedAID_WP4 and will shared work with, Dr. Giovanna Marino, who is her counterpart in PerformFISH.

All his work is been carried out under a real time reporting to the CT, and communicated to the project officers in the commission, assuring transparency  and allowing efficient planning for both projects.

1 Comment

  1. All #aquaculture companies from @PerformFISH_EU and others in Mediterranean area, are welcome to participate in the mentioned survey in @Medaid. Please contact us.

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