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Discussion on the diagnostics of diseases of unknown aetiology  

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 41
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The discussion was moderated by Panos Varvarigos and Carlos Zarza

Due to the limited time the discussion was mostly focused on the Petechial Rash. Overall it was unanimously agreed that the following major points apply to marine fish Petechial Rash (and rainbow trout RMS):

  1. Petechial rash (commonly "Red Spot") is important in several countries (mainly Spain, Greece, Italy, etc) because it affects several species (bream, bass, sharp snout bream...) with a bad impact on production.
  2. Overall, we are still in the dark as regards the aetiology of the disease.
  3. Unfortunately, due to the lack of knowledge as regards the causative agent, there is no diagnostic procedure for its conformation.
  4. Diagnosis is based on clinical appearance and epizootiology and is empirical. There are no diagnostic tools to confirm the disease beyond doubt.
  5. There is a need for systematic studies including histology and electron microscopy in order to reveal and isolate the responsible pathogen. This has been done successfully for trout RMS and the methodology might be repeated for the marine species.
  6. As for RMS (intracellular pathogen), oxytetracycline proves helpful in most cases, although treatment results are inconsistent across farms. Treatments are empirical without knowledge of OTC's function
  7. Funds are needed to focus research on this disease as was done for trout RMS.

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